<aside> <img src="/icons/megaphone_gray.svg" alt="/icons/megaphone_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Welcome to the Z Fight Club, the Ambassador Program of Zeta Markets
Z Fight Club isn't just a growth program, it's a global underground movement powered by the renegades of the Zeta Markets community. Picture this: a network of individuals from every corner of the planet, each one diving into the chaos of creation with one goal in mind—fueling the wildfire growth of Zeta Markets.
When you step into Z Fight Club, you start from scratch. But here's the kicker—you call the shots. Want to craft killer content, translate articles into tongues untold, dive deep into the docs, go viral on TikTok, take over YouTube, spark debates on Twitter, or stir the pot within the community? Go for it. We're all about pushing boundaries and bringing fresh madness to the mix. As you claw your way up, the doors to new realms of mayhem swing wide open. Welcome to the club—the first rule of Z Fight Club is you don’t just join, you make an impact.
Ready to ape-in?
Apply on Discord
Or you can fill out the Google Form: https://forms.gle/N5ZwGYX9b57UvvaZ8
We will check and grant appropriate roles if it suits.
Explore the Z Fight Club:
Journey Mechanics
You can earn fight points by
On Discord, Arcane Bot will automatically give you XP, and we will manually give you fight-coins (via the /add balance command) based on your weekly position.
On Telegram, we will verify the stats of top members.
⇒ Every month, the top 50 ambassadors that shown up on either Discord / Telegram leaderboard (both on Discord / Telegram) will receive 300 fight-coins each.
Using fight-coins to purchase higher-level roles at 🦾 #store.